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} } }); } var $zoom_gallery = $('.zoom-gallery'); if( $zoom_gallery.length > 0 ) { $zoom_gallery.magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a', type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: false, closeBtnInside: false, mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom mfp-img-mobile', image: { verticalFit: true, titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('title') + ' · image source'; } }, gallery: { enabled: true }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, // don't foget to change the duration also in CSS opener: function(element) { return element.find('img'); } } }); } var $popup_yt_vimeo_gmap = $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps'); if( $popup_yt_vimeo_gmap.length > 0 ) { $popup_yt_vimeo_gmap.magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false }); } var $popup_with_zoom_anim = $('.popup-with-zoom-anim'); if( $popup_with_zoom_anim.length > 0 ) { $popup_with_zoom_anim.magnificPopup({ type: 'inline', fixedContentPos: false, fixedBgPos: true, overflowY: 'auto', closeBtnInside: true, preloader: false, midClick: true, removalDelay: 300, mainClass: 'my-mfp-zoom-in' }); 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} else { = '#name'; } } } }); } var $mfpLightboxAjax = $('[data-lightbox="ajax"]'); if( $mfpLightboxAjax.length > 0 ) { $mfpLightboxAjax.magnificPopup({ type: 'ajax', closeBtnInside: false, callbacks: { ajaxContentAdded: function(mfpResponse) { }, open: function() { }, close: function() { } } }); } //lightbox image var $mfpLightboxImage = $('[data-lightbox="image"]'); if( $mfpLightboxImage.length > 0 ) { $mfpLightboxImage.magnificPopup({ type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside: false, fixedContentPos: true, mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom', // class to remove default margin from left and right side image: { verticalFit: true } }); } //lightbox gallery var $mfpLightboxGallery = $('[data-lightbox="gallery"]'); if( $mfpLightboxGallery.length > 0 ) { $mfpLightboxGallery.each(function() { var element = $(this); element.magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a[data-lightbox="isotope-item"]', type: 'image', closeOnContentClick: true, closeBtnInside: false, fixedContentPos: true, mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-with-zoom', // class to remove default margin from left and right side image: { verticalFit: true }, gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, zoom: { enabled: true, duration: 300, // don't foget to change the duration also in CSS opener: function(element) { return element.find('img'); } } }); }); } //lightbox iframe var $mfpLightboxIframe = $('[data-lightbox="iframe"]'); if( $mfpLightboxIframe.length > 0 ) { $mfpLightboxIframe.magnificPopup({ disableOn: 600, type: 'iframe', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false }); } //lightbox inline var $mfpLightboxInline = $('[data-lightbox="inline"]'); if( $mfpLightboxInline.length > 0 ) { $mfpLightboxInline.magnificPopup({ type: 'inline', mainClass: 'mfp-no-margins mfp-zoom-in', closeBtnInside: false, fixedContentPos: true }); } }, /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------- lightbox popup ------------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TM_lightgallery_lightbox: function() { //lightgallery lightbox var $lightgallery_lightbox = $(".lightgallery-lightbox"); if( $lightgallery_lightbox.length > 0 ) { $lightgallery_lightbox.lightGallery({ // Please read about gallery options here: // lightgallery core selector: '.lightgallery-trigger', mode: 'lg-fade', // Type of transition between images ('lg-fade' or 'lg-slide'). height: '100%', // Height of the gallery (ex: '100%' or '300px'). width: '100%', // Width of the gallery (ex: '100%' or '300px'). iframeMaxWidth: '100%', // Set maximum width for iframe. loop: true, // If false, will disable the ability to loop back to the beginning of the gallery when on the last element. speed: 600, // Transition duration (in ms). closable: true, // Allows clicks on dimmer to close gallery. escKey: true, // Whether the LightGallery could be closed by pressing the "Esc" key. keyPress: true, // Enable keyboard navigation. hideBarsDelay: 5000, // Delay for hiding gallery controls (in ms). controls: true, // If false, prev/next buttons will not be displayed. mousewheel: true, // Chane slide on mousewheel. download: false, // Enable download button. By default download url will be taken from data-src/href attribute but it supports only for modern browsers. If you want you can provide another url for download via data-download-url. counter: true, // Whether to show total number of images and index number of currently displayed image. swipeThreshold: 50, // By setting the swipeThreshold (in px) you can set how far the user must swipe for the next/prev image. enableDrag: true, // Enables desktop mouse drag support. enableTouch: true, // Enables touch support. // thumbnial plugin thumbnail: true, // Enable thumbnails for the gallery. showThumbByDefault: true, // Show/hide thumbnails by default. thumbMargin: 5, // Spacing between each thumbnails. toogleThumb: true, // Whether to display thumbnail toggle button. enableThumbSwipe: true, // Enables thumbnail touch/swipe support for touch devices. exThumbImage: 'data-exthumbimage', // If you want to use external image for thumbnail, add the path of that image inside "data-" attribute and set value of this option to the name of your custom attribute. // autoplay plugin autoplay: false, // Enable gallery autoplay. autoplayControls: true, // Show/hide autoplay controls. pause: 6000, // The time (in ms) between each auto transition. progressBar: true, // Enable autoplay progress bar. fourceAutoplay: false, // If false autoplay will be stopped after first user action // fullScreen plugin fullScreen: true, // Enable/Disable fullscreen mode. // zoom plugin zoom: true, // Enable/Disable zoom option. scale: 0.5, // Value of zoom should be incremented/decremented. enableZoomAfter: 50, // Some css styles will be added to the images if zoom is enabled. So it might conflict if you add some custom styles to the images such as the initial transition while opening the gallery. So you can delay adding zoom related styles to the images by changing the value of enableZoomAfter. // video options videoMaxWidth: '1000px', // Set limit for video maximal width. // Youtube video options loadYoutubeThumbnail: true, // You can automatically load thumbnails for youtube videos from youtube by setting loadYoutubeThumbnail true. youtubeThumbSize: 'default', // You can specify the thumbnail size by setting respective number: 0, 1, 2, 3, 'hqdefault', 'mqdefault', 'default', 'sddefault', 'maxresdefault'. youtubePlayerParams: { // Change youtube player parameters: modestbranding: 0, showinfo: 1, controls: 1 }, // Vimeo video options loadVimeoThumbnail: true, // You can automatically load thumbnails for vimeo videos from vimeo by setting loadYoutubeThumbnail true. vimeoThumbSize: 'thumbnail_medium', // Thumbnail size for vimeo videos: 'thumbnail_large' or 'thumbnail_medium' or 'thumbnail_small'. vimeoPlayerParams: { // Change vimeo player parameters: byline : 1, portrait : 1, title: 1, color : 'CCCCCC', autopause: 1 } }); 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false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav") === undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 3000: $"duration"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); var items_desktop = 2; var items_laptop = ( $"laptop") === undefined ) ? 2: $"laptop"); var items_tablet = ( $"tablet") === undefined ) ? 2: $"tablet"); $this.slick({ infinite: data_loop, autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplaySpeed: data_duration, slidesToShow : items_desktop, arrows: data_nav, dots: data_dots, dotsClass: 'tm-slick-dots', adaptiveHeight: true, easing:'easeOutCubic', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 600, settings: { slidesToShow: 2, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); }); } var $slick_thumbnail_slider = $('.slick-thumbnail-slider'); if ( $slick_thumbnail_slider.length > 0 ) { $slick_thumbnail_slider.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var id = $this.attr('id'); $this.slick({ slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, arrows: false, fade: true, asNavFor: '.slider-nav-'+id }); $('.slider-nav-'+id).slick({ slidesToShow: 7, slidesToScroll: 1, asNavFor: $this, dots: false, centerMode: false, focusOnSelect: true }); }); } }, /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------- Owl Carousel ----------------------- */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TM_owlCarousel: function() { var $owl_thumb_carousel = $('.tm-owl-thumb-carousel'); if ( $owl_thumb_carousel.length > 0 ) { if(!$owl_thumb_carousel.hasClass("owl-carousel")){ $owl_thumb_carousel.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); } $owl_thumb_carousel.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav") === undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 4000: $"duration"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); $this.owlCarousel({ // Enable thumbnails thumbs: true, // When only using images in your slide (like the demo) use this option to dynamicly create thumbnails without using the attribute data-thumb. thumbImage: false, // Enable this if you have pre-rendered thumbnails in your html instead of letting this plugin generate them. This is recommended as it will prevent FOUC thumbsPrerendered: true, // Class that will be used on the thumbnail container thumbContainerClass: 'tm-owl-thumbs', // Class that will be used on the thumbnail item's thumbItemClass: 'tm-owl-thumb-item', rtl: THEMEMASCOT.isRTL.check(), autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplayTimeout: data_duration, autoHeight: true, responsiveClass: true, loop: data_loop, items: 1, dots: data_dots, nav: data_nav, navText: [ '', '' ] }); }); } var $owl_carousel_flipanim = $('.tm-owl-carousel-flip-anim'); if ( $owl_carousel_flipanim.length > 0 ) { $owl_carousel_flipanim.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); $owl_carousel_flipanim.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav") === undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 4000: $"duration"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); $this.owlCarousel({ rtl: THEMEMASCOT.isRTL.check(), animateOut: 'slideOutDown', animateIn: 'flipInX', autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplayTimeout: data_duration, autoHeight: true, responsiveClass: true, loop: data_loop, items: 1, dots: data_dots, nav: data_nav, navText: [ '', '' ] }); }); } var $owl_carousel_1col = $('.tm-owl-carousel-1col'); if ( $owl_carousel_1col.length > 0 ) { $owl_carousel_1col.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); $owl_carousel_1col.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav") === undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 4000: $"duration"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); $this.owlCarousel({ rtl: THEMEMASCOT.isRTL.check(), autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplayTimeout: data_duration, autoHeight: true, responsiveClass: true, loop: data_loop, items: 1, dots: data_dots, nav: data_nav, navText: [ '', '' ] }); }); } var $owl_carousel_2col = $('.tm-owl-carousel-2col'); if ( $owl_carousel_2col.length > 0 ) { $owl_carousel_2col.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); $owl_carousel_2col.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav")=== undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 4000: $"duration"); var data_smartspeed = ( $"smartspeed") === undefined ) ? 300: $"smartspeed"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); var data_stagePadding = ( $"stagepadding") === undefined ) ? 0: $"stagepadding"); var data_center = ( $"center") === undefined ) ? false: $"center"); var items_desktop = 2; var items_laptop = ( $"laptop") === undefined ) ? 2: $"laptop"); var items_tablet = ( $"tablet") === undefined ) ? 2: $"tablet"); $this.owlCarousel({ rtl: THEMEMASCOT.isRTL.check(), autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplayTimeout: data_duration, smartSpeed: data_smartspeed, autoHeight: true, responsiveClass: true, loop: data_loop, items: 2, margin: data_margin, stagePadding: data_stagePadding, dots: data_dots, nav: data_nav, center: data_center, navText: [ '', '' ], responsive: { 0: { items: 1, stagePadding: 0, }, 768: { items: items_tablet, stagePadding: 0, }, 1024: { items: items_laptop }, 1200: { items: items_desktop } } }); }); } var $owl_carousel_3col = $('.tm-owl-carousel-3col'); if ( $owl_carousel_3col.length > 0 ) { $owl_carousel_3col.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); $owl_carousel_3col.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? false: $"dots"); var data_nav = ( $"nav")=== undefined ) ? false: $"nav"); var data_duration = ( $"duration") === undefined ) ? 4000: $"duration"); var data_smartspeed = ( $"smartspeed") === undefined ) ? 300: $"smartspeed"); var data_autoplay = ( $"autoplay") === undefined ) ? true: $"autoplay"); var data_loop = ( $"loop") === undefined ) ? true: $"loop"); var data_margin = ( $"margin") === undefined ) ? 30: $"margin"); var data_stagePadding = ( $"stagepadding") === undefined ) ? 0: $"stagepadding"); var data_center = ( $"center") === undefined ) ? false: $"center"); var items_desktop = 3; var items_laptop = ( $"laptop") === undefined ) ? 2: $"laptop"); var items_tablet = ( $"tablet") === undefined ) ? 2: $"tablet"); $this.owlCarousel({ rtl: THEMEMASCOT.isRTL.check(), autoplay: data_autoplay, autoplayTimeout: data_duration, smartSpeed: data_smartspeed, autoHeight: true, responsiveClass: true, loop: data_loop, items: 3, margin: data_margin, stagePadding: data_stagePadding, dots: data_dots, nav: data_nav, center: data_center, navText: [ '', '' ], responsive: { 0: { items: 1, stagePadding: 0, }, 768: { items: items_tablet, stagePadding: 0, }, 1024: { items: items_laptop }, 1200: { items: items_desktop } } }); }); } var $owl_carousel_4col = $('.tm-owl-carousel-4col'); if ( $owl_carousel_4col.length > 0 ) { $owl_carousel_4col.addClass("owl-carousel owl-theme"); $owl_carousel_4col.each(function() { var $this = $(this); var data_dots = ( $"dots") === undefined ) ? 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